desert drive

Like the Bedouin

For my family and me, the desert is not just our home—it’s a part of who we are. The Western Desert of Egypt is where we find peace, strength, and a deep connection to nature that’s hard to explain unless you’ve felt it yourself. It’s vast and seemingly endless, but there’s a beauty in its silence and simplicity that always speaks to me. The desert teaches you patience and resilience, and it shows you how to appreciate the small things, like the cool breeze at dusk or the soft light of the stars overhead.

Sharing this desert with our guests is something I hold dear. When you come with us into these sands, it’s not just about seeing the landscape, but about feeling it—understanding the life and traditions that have sustained us here for generations. I want you to experience the desert like we do: the warmth of the sun, the stories that echo through the dunes, the way the world slows down around you. There’s something truly humbling about it, and I’m always excited to share that connection with others.

To me, letting you experience the desert is like welcoming you into my family. It’s an honor to show you our way of life, to share our meals, our stories, and our love for this land. I hope that when you leave, you take a part of the desert with you in your heart—just as it has been a part of mine for as long as I can remember.